The North Carolina Zen Center holds four Zen retreats, or sesshin, every year, one in each of the four seasons. The retreats in the winter and summer are usually shorter in length beginning on a Thursday and ending on Sunday, while the spring and autumn retreats are longer, generally running from Tuesday to Sunday. Dates change from year to year, so please check the Upcoming Events page for actual dates of upcoming retreats.
If you have not been to a sesshin or similar multi-day silent retreat, please contact us before registering to see if it would be a good fit. In general, it is recommended that people start with a one-day retreat (zazenkai) and work up to a multi-day retreat. Please see our upcoming events page for the those dates.
The Japanese term sesshin may be translated as “To touch the heart-mind.” Sesshin are intensive silent retreats that provide a structured environment for dedicated practice.
Part-time participation in retreats is available however full-time participants will receive priority registration. Part-time is generally understood to mean coming for less than the full duration of the retreat. It can also mean coming for a day or days, but not staying at the Center at night.
General Sesshin guidelines are listed HERE
A typical day at a sesshin might be scheduled as follows:
5:00 — Wake-up
5:30 — Seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinhin), chanting
7:00 — Breakfast
7:45-9:00 — Work period
9:00-10:00 — Personal time
10:00-12:30 — Zazen and Dharma talk (teisho)
12:45 — Lunch and Rest
1:45-3:30 — Zazen, kinhin, and opportunity for one on one meetings with the teacher (dokusan)
3:40-4:40 — Yoga and Exercise
4:50-5:30 — Zazen and extended kinhin
5:30 — Dinner and Personal time
7:00-9:00 — Zazen, kinhin, and dokusan
9:00 — End of the evening (zendo is open for informal sitting)
What to Wear
In the spring and fall it will vary from very cool to very warm, depending on the weather. In the summer it can be quite warm in the zendo. During all seasons, walking meditation is held out-of-doors, weather permitting.

At all times, traditional sitting robes are welcomed, and will be generally comfortable. Otherwise, in cold weather, loose-fitting pants and a shirt and sweater work well, with a coat handy if the weather is very cold. In the summer, light, loose-fitting pants and a light shirt work well. Wearing of short pants in the zendo is discouraged. At all times, shoes which you can easily step in and out of will be enjoyed.
During the mid-morning hours there is generally a work period, during which time general light chores around the Center are performed, including landscaping, cleaning windows, splitting wood and other small projects. Please bring clothing suited to working outdoors in the season you plan to attend.

The Center currently has seven dormitory rooms, each capable of sleeping up to four people, for a total of 21 beds. There is also a separate guest room usually reserved for guest teachers or zendo officers. Linens and blankets are available but we prefer if you bring your own. The rooms are heated in the winter and air conditioned in the summer.
Ample room for camping is also available.
The Center has separate bath and shower facilities for men and women, and both have handicapped access.

All meals are vegetarian, although not necessarily vegan. Eggs and dairy products may be included. We make an effort to accommodate food allergies but not preferences.
Reservations are made online HERE. Deposits are due two weeks in advance of the start date in order to allow the staff to plan meals and accommodations properly. It is not necessary to attend entire retreats. Part-timers are welcomed, but please understand that preference for accommodations is given to full-timers.
Rides to and from the Raleigh/Durham (RDU) airport can be arranged in advance. Please contact the Center to make arrangements and to find out about any fees. Driving directions may be found on the Location Page.

How Much Does It Cost To Attend?
Please reserve your space at least two weeks in advance of a retreat by sending a deposit of one half the cost of your expected stay. The cost is $60 ($55 for members) per night if you book by that date, and your deposit should reflect $27.50/night. After that date the cost will be $65 per night. You may pay the balance upon arrival. The Center accepts cash or check, or you may safely pay either a deposit or in full by credit card using the Paypal link below. Deposits are refundable up to one week before the start of the retreat.