Fall Zazenkai — October 13 – October 18, 2016
North Carolina Zen Center is happy to announce it will host its Fall Sesshin, led by distinguished Zen teacher Tenku Ruff, Osho. The retreat will begin with informal dinner at 6:00 pm Thursday October 13 and run until noon Tuesday Oct 18.
Tenku’s training has both Rinzai and Soto Zen roots. She received lay ordination (zaike tokudo) in 1999 in Oita, Japan, and was ordained as a priest (shukke tokudo) in 2006 by Tessai Yamamoto Roshi, Abbot of Kannonji Temple in Morioka, Japan. Tenku received dharma transmission and became a lineage holder in the Tessai Yamamoto/Tetsugyu Ban Roshi lineage in 2010. Born in Northern Florida, Tenku attended Davidson College, where she received a Bachelor of Arts in English literature. In addition, she holds a Master of Divinity from Maitripa College, and she is a Board Certified Chaplain (BCC) with the Association of Professional Chaplains.
The schedule will consist of zazen, kinhin, formal meals, work practice, Dharma talks, and practice interview. Please visit the Retreats Page of the Center’s website for more information about Zen retreats at Sosen-ji.
Cost for the retreat is $55 per night if booked two weeks in advance, and $60 per night after that.
Please join us. The retreat is open to beginners and long-term practitioners alike. Part-time participation is available.
If you are interested in attending, please contact the Center:info@nczencenter.org or (919) 542-7411.