Here you can find many of the governing documents of the North Carolina Zen Center, including its Articles of Incorporation and current by-laws, in addition to other documents pertaining to policies and procedures of the Center. The North Carolina Zen Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization chartered under federal and state law. As such it is governed by and subject to the rules and statutes which apply to all non-profits.
The Center is governed in the largest sense by a Board of Directors. However, the Center is a membership organization, and the structure of the Center and its governance are designed to allow a high degree of input and involvement on the part of the membership, and to engage the membership in all of the critical decisions the Center needs to make as it grows. The goal of the Board is to be as open and transparent as possible about all of its deliberations and decision-making processes, and to seek the guidance of the membership whenever possible. It is also our goal to work in close partnership with the Center’s teacher or abbot and with the Center’s operational staff, allowing them the greatest flexibility and responsibility in handling the affairs of the Center.
Below are links to the Center’s core documents, to policy statements, and to records of recent Board of Directors Meetings and Voting Membership meetings. If you have any questions about any of this material please don’t hesitate to call or email the Center.
NC Zen Center By-Laws, Revised February 2018
Committee Policies and Structures
Membership Policies and Guidelines