The NC Zen Center was honored to host a visit in June by distinguished Zen teacher Tenku Ruff. Tenku came to the Center on Thursday evening, June 16 and again on Sunday morning, June 16. While she was here she gave Dharma talks during both services she attended, and also visited with a number of members of the Sangha. Tenku came at the invitation of the Teacher Search Committee, with the intention of helping us focus and refine our search processes. At the same time we were happy to have the opportunity to meet her and get to know her a bit, and to introduce her to our community.
We are happy to say that the zendo was full for both occasions, and on Sunday required the placing of additional cushions down the center isle to accommodate everyone! After the service on Sunday Tenku spent two hours simply meeting and talking with various Sangha members in an informal manner, which was very pleasant. She also stayed for an additional hour or two to meet with Matt Young, who is heading the Search Committee, and Jason Dowdle, Board President, for further discussions about our search process. All in all it was a very pleasant, enjoyable visit, and we offer our deep gratitude to Tenku for making herself available to us, offering her advice, and being so gracious and generous with her time.