Sundays 12:30-2 p.m.
6 Classes- March 9th -April 27th. (No class on April 13th and 20th)
The ethical teachings are one of the three legs of traditional Buddhist practice, the other two being wisdom and meditation. This class is a prerequisite for receiving Jukai and sewing a rakusu.
During this class participants will begin to explore the heart of the ethical teachings through the 16 Bodhisattva Precepts. We will be using Robert Aitken’s “The Mind of Clover” and John Daido Loori’s “The Heart of Being” as our study guides.
If you are thinking of taking the precepts (Jukai) this is opportunity to deepen your understanding of this important aspect of Zen practice before the ceremony.
Suggested donation is $65 for this 6-week class.
Please miss no more than 1 class in the series. You may also join us by computer using Zoom. Email for more information.
You may register for the class using this link.
Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts
The Three Refuges
I take refuge in Buddha, and resolve that with all beings I will understand the Great Way whereby the Buddha-seed may forever thrive.
I take refuge in Dharma and resolve that with all beings I will enter deeply into the Sutra-treasure whereby my wisdom may grow as vast as the ocean.
I take refuge in Sangha and in its wisdom, example, and never-failing help and resolve to live in harmony with all sentient beings.
The Three General Resolutions
I resolve to avoid evil
I resolve to do good
I resolve to liberate all living beings.
Ten Cardinal Precepts
I resolve not to kill, but to cherish all life
I resolve not to take what is not given/ but to respect the things of others.
I resolve not to misuse sexuality, but to be caring and responsible.
I resolve not to lie, but to speak the truth.
I resolve not to cause others to abuse alcohol or drugs/nor to do so myself but to keep the mind clear
I resolve not to speak of the faults of others, but to be understanding and sympathetic.
I resolve not to praise oneself and disparage others, but to overcome my own shortcomings
I resolve not to withhold spiritual or material aid, but to give them freely where needed
I resolve not to indulge in anger, but to practice forbearance.
I resolve not to revile the Three Treasures, but to cherish and uphold them.