It is with great pleasure that the North Carolina Zen Center announces the arrival of Teshin Matt Sweger. Teshin officially assumed the role of Abbot and Teacher for the Center on August 1. He is jumping right into things, leading the Center’s Summer Sesshin beginning on August 3 and ending on August 6.
Teshin’s wife Dana will arrive by the end of the second week of August, to take up a position with the Unitarian Universalist Church in Chapel Hill. Teshin and Dana will be living at the Center initially.
Teshin will be taking on all of the teaching duties at the Center, and has expressed a wish to immediately expand the Center’s offerings of scheduled services. Look for a new list of those services and times to be published on the website shortly.
Teshin has also enumerated a number of short-term and long-term goals for the Center that he would like to work toward. Some of these include developing better structures for newcomers at the Center, including introductory workshops, beginner’s nights, weekly or monthly discussion groups, and other structures to allow beginners and newcomers to feel welcome at the Center.
Outreach and community involvement are also high on Teshin’s list of priorities, as are developing and elaborating the Center’s presence on social media. He has also indicated that he hopes to closely engage the sangha in an ongoing “visioning process” whereby the sangha has close input into the Center’s offerings and its future development. Meantime, Teshin has emphasized that first and foremost the goal of the Center will be to foster a strong community of dedicated Zen practitioners. Teshin sees solid Zen teaching and practice as the core from which everything else will grow.
Certainly Teshin will clarify his goals for the Center and the sangha as he gets better acquainted with us. At this point we we would simply like to offer him a sincere welcome, and three deep bows of gratitude for his willingness to make a hard choice, to leave friends and associates behind, and to come here to the North Carolina Zen Center.
This is the beginning of a new chapter in the story of the Center. Come and be a part of it, meet Teshin, and either connect or reconnect with our Zen community!