Dear Sangha,
The NCZC Winter Zazen-kai will be held from Friday, January 13, through Monday, January 16, 2017. Orientation begins at 6:30 pm Friday evening, January 13; formal opening starts at 8:00 pm. The retreat ends at noon on Monday, January 16.
The retreat will be conducted as a formal Zen retreat, in a manner similar to formal retreats and sesshins at other Zen centers. The retreat is open to beginners and long-term practitioners alike.
The schedule will consist of zazen, kinhin, formal meals, work practice, and Dharma discussion. Lodging is available. Please visit the Retreats Page of the website for more information.
Cost for the retreat is $55 per night up to January 6. After that date the cost is $60 per night. Part-time participation is available, however full-time is strongly encouraged.
If you are interested in attending or have questions about the retreat, please contact the Center at